Sunday 17 February 2013

Well its now the 18th of february,  And a lot of stuff has been going on. 

Ill go into that a bit later,  but basically ive cut out 95% of the substance intake in my life,  and have about 5 and half weeks left of methadone!

 It seems all at once i was able to dump the antidepressants,  which was an incredible 225mmg of avanza,  the antianxiety Meds,  approx 40mg of valium and 10mg of xanax a day,  Various sundries like promethazine and diphenhydramine (400mg/day)  and of course the opioid classes like oxycodone, fentanyl and morphine, codeine......  the list is quite extensive,  but when that becomes your breakfast lunch and dinner, well life is not quite the same for you as others.

I met a beautiful girl Around christmas time,  and we are having a great time together.  We are both on the path to self-discovery and redemption,  but from different backgrounds.

Im even getting on better with my dad,  and i couldnt ask for more.

I will, and i do,  though im happy with this year more than i could ever have imagined in such a short time. 

I was having a laugh with my friend Meho (hes a Maori,  Which is very different from a kiwi im assured.

Meho:  Hey Bro (pronounced:  "Brew">   dont call me a kiwi hey? Im a Maori (which sounds like Mouldy prounounced with an R instead of a D.  Its like you Aussies and Abos.  you dont call yourself aboriginal do you?   And you never hear aboriginals call them selves Aussies do you?  No, theres whitefellas and Blackfellas.  Same with us Maoris and Kiwis.  Kiwis are white,  or parkeahs.  Ok?

Me:  Yeah true that.  Interesting.

Meho: And also,  im gonna give u one more chance hey?  our next gig is on monday morning.  I do this shit to pay my rent bro.  Music is my life! Im offereing to teach you for free.  I can just turn up to the recording studio down the road and they will put a fat wad of cash in my hand.  just for turning up! so when you dont turn up,  that shits me. Its the least you can do.   yeah you need to know this stuff now that your not off with the fairys bro.  Your straight now, 

and then he hit me with this pearler

Meho: welcome to the real world bro, nobody said it would be easy! 

And i thought that was pretty spot on for where im at.  Its nice to get a welcome like that.  I spent the rest of my morning realising how much my fucking around had cost me in life,  lost jobs, friends, opputunities,  relationships, my health, my sanity?  There is a lot to be said for just turning up on time,  and doing what you say you will do.  Basically:


So i moved into the new house the other day, And immediately i think

This is the nuthouse.

I get a choice between a nice neat room,  sharing with a fairly sedate character (or so it seemed)  who works as a chef,  or sharing a slightly bigger room, with one clean freak and one mess freak.  the odd couple im told.  I think to myself i fit right inbetween those two extremes,  but decide to go about raising the bar and move into the clean room with the chef, Robi.

Robi is somuch more than a chef.  Within 15mins hes offered me a job and an invitation to go to Hillsong church and down free lattes tonight.

The next morning,k  The alarm goes off at 3:59  and hes up like a light,  and singing loudly to some  hillsong cds.  Then off goes the music and hes into a sermon on sexual immorality and the kingdom of God......

Just what i need..........

Theres a nice mix of nutcases,  religious extremists and backpackers,  young lovers (engaged at 18 and 19 respectively)  a french guy (theres always at least one frenchie in any given sharehouse)  we call him: Frenchie. His names too difficult to pronounce.  clemont i think. 
 Theres another house next door that is somehow joined to this one, and there is a list of characters im yet to meet. 

But the important thing is im working,  getting square and have a place to call home again.